sue goodwin

Master Integrative Coach
United States

When it came time to retire after thirty-three years of working full time in public higher education both as a faculty member and then as a senior administrator, Sue Goodwin had no idea what retirement would bring or how to have a life she would love. How could she feel fulfilled and valued? How could she feel good about who she was and who she was becoming? How could she make the most of each day instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future?

Now, as a Certified Integrative Coach Professional, she fulfills that need through coaching mature individuals who want the next stage of their life to be one of ease, excitement and purpose -- people who want to have each year in retirement be their best year yet. Sue supports her clients in pursuing their dreams and in choosing their personal path to the next phase of their life.

Sue has experienced the impact of this work in every aspect of her own life in retirement. She has learned to recognize when her life is out of balance and how and where to shift towards choices that bring her back into alignment with the future she desires. She has learned to make conscious choices to keep herself on the path of happiness, fulfillment and personal contentment. This work has taught her to shift from worrying about the future or ruminating about the past to staying in the present moment and living every day with awareness and purpose. The work has deepened her relationships with family, friends, and other significant people in her life, allowing her to be present to them and to what’s important in her life. It has taught her the importance of staying true to who she is and what she values. She is now enjoying a retirement more fulfilling than she could have ever imagined.

”Coaching with Sue changed my life. Before I started with her I was really worried about what I was going to do in retirement, how I could still feel involved and that I was making a difference. Sue’s coaching allowed me to connect with one of my childhood passions, and now I feel great about being retired and doing what I’ve always wanted to do.” - P. H., Napa, California.

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