Kathy zehringer
Master Integrative Coach
United States
Kathy Zehringer is the founder of A Shift Happens Life Coaching and knows first-hand the importance of a powerful shift in perspective and actions to begin to live the life of your dreams. She left a 20-year career in the telecommunications industry to be available to her teenage children and to pursue a more flexible lifestyle through investing, consulting, and coaching. She was able to make this transition through a shift in perspective to appreciation of her career and its gifts, and then using these gifts to launch her new life. Kathy has a loving and thriving relationship with her husband of 24 years, and enjoys encouraging and nurturing the life journeys of her three adult children.
Due to the work of Debbie Ford and Integrative Coaching, Kathy has deepened her understanding and relationships with her husband, children, and friends, but, most importantly, with herself. She has found great power and wisdom in looking for the lesson in every experience – even the seemingly negative ones. This work has allowed her to support her father through his Alzheimer’s illness and passing with dignity and respect while overseeing his estate, to embrace the opportunities of this work as her kids leave home, and to explore new career possibilities with her husband as they look at their distinct contributions to this world in the next exciting phase of their lives.
Kathy loves guiding clients to reconnect with their heart’s wisdom. After spending many years in the intellectual business world, she knows powerfully that, as Debbie says: “Your mind can’t take you where your heart longs to go”. Through the Ford Institute’s beautiful and sacred coaching processes, she supports clients to listen to and make time for themselves once again so that they can begin to live lives that inspire them to deliver their gifts in the world.
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