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julie taylor

Certified Integrative Coach

Julie Taylor has spent the last 10 years working successfully in the corporate world, continually being promoted and moving quickly through the ranks. While success came easy to her in her professional life, she struggled to achieve the same success in her personal life. Julie’s upbringing was far from conventional, which no doubt contributed to her personal struggles, so she understands very well the challenge of ‘trying to fit in’ or ‘get somewhere in life’ whilst battling feelings of rejection and low self worth.

Julie ran as far away from her native Scotland as possible – all the way to Australia in fact, only to realize that what she had actually been running from was herself. She realized that she could not stand to be with herself and that was when the real journey began…the journey inwards to find her way back home to herself. After living a life of self sabotage, Julie had the realization one day that she did not have to believe the negative and limiting thoughts that were constantly present in her life and that it was time to face the fear of being seen and heard. In doing so, she believed she could unleash her soul as well as her voice which had yearned to be expressed for so long.

Many years were spent and many roads travelled searching for answers to those questions “who am I, why am I here and what’s it all for?” With a little Divine intervention (and Google!!), Julie discovered the work of Debbie Ford. Through Debbie’s work she found her life’s purpose and why she was really here. Julie learned a very different and authentic way of living and being with herself and others, by connecting to her heart rather than her head and is now an Integrative Shadow Coach with the Ford Institute. Through her direct experience of knowing what is possible to overcome in life, Julie will support you in connecting with your heart so that you too can find your way back home to yourself, bringing you closer to your true nature so that you can love yourself more fully and live a life bigger and brighter than your imagination would ever allow.

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