eve rosenberg

Master Integrative Coach
United States

Eve Rosenberg is the Founder of Lessons Learned In Love Coaching, where she compassionately supports adults in healing from divorce and releasing the pain, disappointment and resentment of the past. Eve insists, “Until we heal our past relationships and extract the lessons and wisdom our ex came into our lives to bring us, we’re very likely to repeat the same familiar, dissatisfying relationships over and over again. Most people don’t realize they attract the relationships they’re in, and that their limiting beliefs and unhealed emotional wounds are controlling their choices. Once we heal and move toward self-love and acceptance, we attract healthier relationships and open up to experience the love and joy we desire.”

Born to Holocaust survivors to save their unhappy marriage, Eve has experienced two divorces. She knows first-hand, the emotional and physical toll divorce takes and the spiraling down in all aspects of life. “People either serial date to mask the pain or resign to life not working out for them. Most people are unhappy in their lives anyway, and don’t realize how much this has impacted their relationship breakdown. Every client I support, when guided to their heart, reveals that they want to matter and belong in the world, to contribute by doing something they love. They admit they’ve chased this feeling through relationships and have been disappointed every time. If people would concentrate on finding love for what they hate about themselves and their life, the love they desire with a partner will follow. That’s the Law of Attraction.” Eve is a living testimonial of the power of this work and has reinvented herself over and over again. She also made peace with her parents.

Eve has always been a seeker and is grateful for all her experiences, even the most challenging ones. “Everything has taken me to today, and for that reason, I love yesterday and cherish tomorrow.” Eve prides herself on walking her talk and takes her client’s growth and transformation very seriously. “Whatever my client is forging through in their lives, I have to take my own steps to energetically support them in taking theirs”. Eve admits that the greatest part of being an Emotional Wellness Coach, is witnessing her clients take back their power and soar in their lives.

Along with being impeccably trained as a Master Integrative Coach by Debbie Ford and her staff, Eve holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology/Psychology and a vast history in corporate America. She is also a certified Health Counselor and is trained in nutrition and holistic wellness.
Eve lives in sunny Florida with her two dogs, Tabitha and Meadow.

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