Known as the “Three Day Miracle,” the power and impact of The Shadow Process to change lives makes it one of the most highly regarded transformational workshops of our time.  If you feel paralyzed by fear or the incessant negative internal dialogue in your head, heart-broken, stuck, or want to go from “fine” to “fabulous” and just know that that there is “something more” you are meant to be experiencing in this lifetime, then run, don’t walk, to the next Shadow Process or Shadow Experience! 

In this life-altering workshop we create a nurturing environment of unconditional love, acceptance, and compassion so that you feel safe enough to look within, connect with your truth, feel your feelings, and bring the light of awareness to your darkest thoughts and most magnificent dreams and discoveries!  All you have to do is show up and we will guide you step-by-step through a proven process that creates radical shifts and revolutionary results. Since ultimately the head can’t take you where the heart wants to go, we use a combination of experiential exercises, lectures, deep sharing, guided meditations and visualizations, and a good dose of humor to support you in going inside, meeting your shadow, healing your heart, finding the gift in every experience, making peace with your past, and blasting open the doors to an inspiring future.  You will learn tools, techniques and concepts, so that even after the workshop ends, you will continue to experience profound peace, authentic aliveness, and a light of liberation that will lead you to a life beyond your wildest dreams!  Learn more about The Shadow Process and The Shadow Experience.



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