tammy walterman

Master Integrative Coach
United States

Tammy Walterman, founder of Coach To First Class, LLC., provides coaching to individuals that want to move their life from ordinary to extraordinary. Tammy’s journey of discovery and transformation were key in bringing her passion alive and making her a more effective coach. Tammy has over 20 years of corporate experience focusing on project management, and training and development. She loved her work, but always had an inner knowing there was a grander vision for her life. Tammy discovered Debbie Ford on the Oprah Winfrey show. She started reading her books and traveled to San Diego to participate in the one of Debbie’s Shadow Process Workshop. This workshop changed Tammy’s life. It gave her new insights to her life and rekindled feelings and dreams that had been dormant for years. It also confirmed to Tammy that she was on the right path and the next step on her journey was to become an Integrative Coach.

The programs at the Ford Institute have profoundly changed Tammy’s life . They helped her to heal past relationships and confront and deal with issues that were causing her to sabotaging her current ones. Today, Tammy continues on her journey to follow her dreams by using the skills she learned through the coaching programs: personal accountability, integrity and setting personal boundaries. Tammy is taking charge of her life and living her dreams and she can do the same for you.

Coaching individuals to find their passion is Tammy’s passion. You can count on Tammy to assist you in rekindling your passion and finding your heart’s desires. She will work with you to define the essential steps to move you from an ordinary to extraordinary life, because, you deserve it.

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